Owl Pig out on a Limb

The sun is finally shining. David finished our corporate taxes and bought us new tires for our little economy car. The tiny black Ford he drives the wheels off traveling back and forth to work…TN to OH then OH to TN. I wanted to sketch out a large mermaid tonight. I thought about it off and on while I sold guitar parts and drank coffee. I didn’t. It was too large to take on so I used watercolor and ink to make this mini, insane owl that has some pig qualities.

Birds of a Feather

Trying to create art everyday is proving challenging but I have made it 4 weeks. I have been posting a lot of it on Instagram and Facebook but I feel like some of it needs to be in my diary. I guess this is my new art diary. I have to understand some days it is just a doodle and that is ok. These two little dudes came to visit last night. Watercolor markers and black pen.

#atrezrealbrushpens #birdfriends