Saturday night was stellar. We cooked out and walked the path along the lake. Talked to neighbors and thought about the future. All to bed early and I slept in. 7:30 is crazy sleeping in for me. I was up an hour before all three boys so I sat in the sunny loft and painted while they all slept a few feet from me. Woob periodically gave me the stink eye. My painting, ridiculous, but a summation of how I felt after actually getting a night of real sleep in the big KING bed. Blooming!
Well rested we went for waterfront bike ride to eggs, pancakes and coffee. Char toppled over and crashed his bike on the way down but he was tough and got back on the “horse” and made it. While David paid the bill, Charlie and I smelled all the flowers there and had a dance party on the stage outside at the Buckeye Lake Yacht Club.
I do believe the warm weather is here to stay so we worked in the garden. David mowed and blowed while Charlie and I weeded, cleaned and planted. Not a dime was spent. We re-homed plants and moved around and shined on things we had.
Already feeling my muscles burn I cleaned myself off and we moved back up to the loft for a nap that never happened. We watched a spider move back and forth on the ceiling and Charlie squealed in freight and soon then delight. Gave that idea up for piddle work and a beautiful dinner out of the last of our groceries. All of us agreed we didn’t want to go shopping. I used the end of a bag of chips and some shaker cheese and garlic to whip up some ground turkey meatballs and spinach salads. We found a bottle of cheap red blend. Family life they say is mundane but there isn’t anything I have known better.
Work has been seriously intense and my mental and physical health has been in the gutter because of it. I am moving forward with all sorts of changes and real technology. I am an old dog trying to learn new tricks. I am intent on making it work but it is giving me a beat down lately.
David has been off the road all week and we are tag teaming life. I kept Char at the shop Friday night for a work slumber party while David worked on a new pedal board and some music technology. Packed out the guitar parts Saturday morning and headed down to the Zanesville Museum of Art for a traditional watercolor class. It seems ridiculous that I use watercolors all the time but I had no idea how to traditionally use watercolors.
The class was taught by an artist that lives in Granville, Ohio named Kay Kenyon. Such a deep breath. I learned at least ten things to take with me on my personal art highway. She was wonderful and so is Misty that is in charge of all the education at the museum. Learning and being with others of all skill levels interested in creating art fills me up. I long to find a group of artists to spend a few hours a week or even month with. I have high hopes about being in both the TAL group in Nashville and creating a small group here at the Harbor Community Center in Buckeye Lake. I am also interested in all Columbus has to offer and it’s Avant Garde spirit. It’s exciting to see a that a high school classmate, Sarah Gormley has opened up a gallery in the Short North. It seems impossible not to find a community if I open myself up to one.
I spent my art time going to get my hair cut and Friday is always a very extreme work day. Best I had to offer. My hair looks great. I chopped it off into a bob and I am going to exercise and see if I can’t feel 38 again this summer. 38. Yep. 45 is feeling rough.
Ohio is getting warmer and there is something on the schedule every dang day. Work is in chaos mode. Haven’t had a chance to write much or really paint anything I am proud of but I have still continued to make art everyday. Mostly experimenting with some new tools lately. Yupo paper and QOR watercolors. I am ready for a little greatness.
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