David drove to Kentucky to play music for a few days and make a few bucks. I walked Charlie to school and we sang songs. I wish that twenty minutes would have lasted all day.
All my energy went to work. I wasn’t a great mom or anything else but a guitar parts lady. End of the night Char and I put in a few minutes of art before bed. He drew circles and called it a tornado and I painted a little Dragonfly with his cheap watercolor set. Tomorrow I am going to be a great mom and hopefully dedicate a little more time to art. When morning comes… a little work while he sleeps on the office couch, breakfast downtown, soccer and maybe we will take a trip to see some art or plant some flowers in the garden.
I have this consuming idea to make a selfie-mural in Buckeye Lake with some sort of wings. Tourist attraction people can visit and take a photo that gives them wings. I have a meeting scheduled today with a prospective place for it. Going to probably draw a ton of wings in the coming months. So many possibilites! Heron wings? Butterfly wings? Cardinal Wings? Bee wings? Dragonfly Wings? Epic-crazy, funky wings?
Char colored sunflower crayon pages in daycare and brought them home. He also planted some that are starting to sprout! Didn’t have a ton of time for art so I made this crazy little sunflower with a face for him.
David brought me home a pile of Yupo paper (Mother’s day present) when he arrived in OH from TN. Excited to experiment with it but haven’t managed the time. Started back on a healthy living program yesterday. Took a three mile walk together at lunch. Worked and worked and picked up Charlie at daycare for a trip to see his grandmas. Had a little cookout and some yard work at my mom’s house and we picked up David’s mom to come with us. Charlie played soccer and rode his bike in the same place I used to play at his age. Absolute beautiful family evening. It was dark when we left mom’s freshly trimmed yard. She was happy. David gave Char a bath as soon as we arrived home and that gave me a few minutes to try a little peacock head on the Yupo. It’s fun and strange. You can push around the paint. Make all the happy little mistakes you want. I want to stay home from work tomorrow and just paint all day on it. Use all 75 sheets.
Yep. But I will be at work.
Sunday recharge after an insane Saturday! Relaxing in the sunroom and waiting on David to come home. Not doing anything profound but I was being somewhat prolific. Made tons of little watercolors as fast as I could. Most not so good. These were my favorites.
No chance the rest of the day will offer any art time so I made a quick little painting about two of my favorite things. David took off for Nashville to play a few gigs there. Charlie is a total grouch and I am letting him watch his tablet through breakfast to try and get us through until daycare and work. Ready for an exhausting weekend.
We’re tired from family bike riding and a long work day. Char wanted to learn how to paint pumpkins so that’s what we did.
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