
I really had a need to create today. Completed two pieces. I feel crusty and hunched over in need of sunlight and fresh air. Tomorrow will be for work. Going to have to take a break from the brushes.

Last Year’s Tulip

Merry Mermaid & the Water Gremlins

I really want to make an enormous watercolor mermaid. I bought the expensive watercolor paper to do it but can’t get started. I generally have time for small paintings because I want to finish something. When I have worked on larger pieces I always use acrylics. I may start one Sunday. Just dive in. I really love all the possibilities of the seahorses here. Maybe I will start with one of them. They are free and fast and don’t have hands that I can never draw quite right.

Red Wing # 2

Charlie was a maniac last night and I let him stay awake so I could paint a fast bird. About 1:30 we went to bed and at 4am I was back up and planing to work on business issues. After I made an espresso I was compelled to paint the bird again. So I painted the bird again. I am not sure if it’s better but I thought so at first.

We all worked well and fast at the shop. I drank too much coffee and felt on edge but generally focused. Good work day in a positive direction. Team Guitar Parts.

Charlie and I have been lounging since 7pm. He wouldn’t go on a bike ride. We need a real night of sleep. Soon.

Just because, I am posting a photo of the dinner I made. Shrimp salad. Why not?

Shrimp Salad

Pointless Pursuit

It’s so early the sun isn’t up
And you’re gone just like the day before

The alarm didn’t go off four times this morn
Nothing drains me while this world sleeps

Last night on the phone we spoke about getting out
Moving fast, doing it all, putting up, tearing down a wall

I was weary and so were you but we agreed…
It’s just what we do. Insane but true… work it through

Rat Race. Another pointless pursuit.
Call it what you want I’m doing it to unwind with you
We’ll get up in the morning and scurry ’round town
Not even sure if it’s a fail or a gain

Hamster wheel do it all for the frill
Take for granted another day get out there and bale the hay
No time to evaluate or mindless play you’ll be home soon
August, December, March, then June

The world is up…


Monday got me.

I did all I could at work until it was time to pick up Charlie and then I shut it off. When David is gone Charlie needs more Mom. We actually put in a few miles on the trail. I feel like that was my actual big accomplishment for the day. He loves riding his bike on it. I need exercise and sun. Hoping we can get out there weather permitting this week.

Last night I sketched out a mermaid to paint tonight because I knew I would be too tired to make art and possibly slip. Last night I painted it all and kept us both up until after midnight. We were happy then and grumpy this morning. Shortly I am turning off the lights. I want to make a really large mermaid but I think I am going to make some smalls first. Find the mermaid that longs to swim on the big canvas. A watercolor as big as I want the mermaid to be will be an undertaking.

Underwater Gal

As I was putting her in a sleeve I found a really old drawing of a manatee and started painting it. Bored with it I sketched out a small turtle but didn’t paint it. Then I made my kid a quesadilla and gave in to complete lounging. Lights out time but I am sure not before a small war with a four year old.

Work in progress

A Month Needs More Sundays

I should be working. I always should be working. I shouldn’t always be working. It’s Sunday and I tried not to work all day. It’s possible I will clean out my email in a bit though.

Charlie and I had some outdoor time and a big walk and that hour was what I needed to make my mind right. Getting outside is going to be a priority this week. The laundry is caught up and the dishes done. Floor needs swept. I could look around for more house chores to catalog that need done and I have no plans to take them on.

We played singer/songwriter music all afternoon and did all the things we like to do in our big white house. Char made Cs on a canvas, put together LEGO cop cars that looked like space buggies, ate 25 snacks, blared his tablet with race car games and occasionally warmed his feet on me.

I painted flowers that live in my head and drank coffee and forced myself to not add cream or team with a cookie. The 2 mile walk tired me out. Taking care of my health is what I always say is important but I have done a bad job of it the last few years.

We miss David but he is sick and we’re trying to make smart decisions. He got off the bus today and we were going to drive to TN. We reevaluated. Stay put and not drive back and forth this week. Finish our personal taxes. Get his demo work caught up. Keep working on the business processing and site issues. Char has daycare in Ohio so I can work. Finish another song of our own…pay some bills and make some art…

Try to take care of ourselves.

It’s easier for me to make art on Sunday because I am generally not at the warehouse.

Roses are Popular

Wild Head Flowers

And a photo of Woob just because is is adorable.

Sharing a Page

Charlie wanted to watch BossBaby and cuddle. Up too late staying at the shop. Saturday morning dragging him out early isn’t realistic so we camp out with the guitar parts. I promised him the movie even though it was late. He helped me doodle on a sheet of watercolor paper that was half his and half mine while we watched. Making art today almost didn’t happen.

Power Outage

David is back on the road. Poor dude had to get up at 4am to drive in a torrential downpour to Nashville and demo a song, then catch the bus. I worked as hard as I could at turning an alarming work issue around. When I picked up Charlie I really was thinking I would take us back to work and spend the evening there but we needed to buy fruit and green jello for his school party. Not long after we made it home and had some dinner it started storming and the power went out. It went out just as he started a movie and I had put paint on a palette. I let him drain my phone dead while I painted in the candlelight with a flashlight. The painting is a loose interpretation of the sun rising this morning. I don’t do many landscapes. Something I need to practice. One for the diary.