Cheers to Bob Bednarczuk for putting together the November: Inanimate Subject Matter Series: Still Life Practice. Join us the second Wednesday of every month for practice and community!
Cheers to Bob Bednarczuk for putting together the November: Inanimate Subject Matter Series: Still Life Practice. Join us the second Wednesday of every month for practice and community!
Still working on some ideas leftover from the BLASST, July 4th series. it was relatively quiet in the gallery this afternoon and I was able to paint for a few hours.
Feeling uninspired but I still wanted to paint for stress relief. Created some wacky little hooters.
Getting a little more done on the mural at the Buckeye Lake Village Offices. I hope to have it finished for Memorial weekend!
Remembrance Poppy.
Great time at the BLACA Reverse Raffle. David won a few auction prices. Casey Clark brought a box of BLASST shirts with the BunkoJess design on them to distribute. If you want your own and want to help support the Buckeye Lake BLASST team put on the lake area firework show please let me know! You can pick one up in BunkoJess Gallery or Guitar Parts Factory!
We’re getting the gallery polished up for the weekend.
Visit us on Friday & Saturday this weekend Noon -6! Carrie Turner – Artist will be here on Friday working on some of her new nature offerings and Saturday BunkoJess will be hanging some new pumpkins and seahorses!
Making progress on our new space!
Opening in May for the First Friday Zanesville Art Walk.
BunkoJess – Working Art & Music Gallery
Located above our mutual friend Girl UPcycled Studio in the Weasel Boy Brewing building. It will feature Jessica Spires, David Spires, Gregorio Biolcati Rinaldi, and Carrie Turner.
New pieces headed to the gallery for the May opening!
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